What is Ptosis?
The word ptosis means sagging or prolapse. Ptosis is not a disease, but a symptom of another condition that must be treated. Ptosis is when the upper eyelid droops over the eye. It refers only to the upper eyelid; it does not refer to lower eyelid sagging. To be more specific when the border of the upper eyelid falls to a lower position than normal it is termed ptosis. Blepharoptosis or ptosis especially refers to an abnormal low-lying upper eyelid margin with the eye in primary gaze. The normal adult upper lid lies 1.5 mm below the superior corneal limbus and is at its highest just nasal to the pupil. The eyelid may droop just a little, or so much that it covers the pupil.
Some people call Ptosis as a drooping or falling of the upper eyelid. Sometimes a person's facial anatomy causes difficulties with the levator muscles.

What are the causes of Ptosis?
Family history of Ptosis
Birth injury or any other injury in lifetime may cause Ptosis
Neurological or Muscular disorder can cause ptosis.
Ocular Myaesthenia gravis may cause ptosis
Eye Tumor may cause ptosis
Ptosis due to accident
Head or eyelid trauma
Systemic disease like Diabetes may produce ptosis
After cataract surgery
Damage to the superior cervical sympathetic ganglion
Damage to the 3rd cranial nerve Oculomotor nerve
Superior sulcus deformity
Damage to Levator palpebrae superioris muscle or its innervations.
Damage to the adjoining superior tarsal muscle or its sympathetic innervation.
Post operative
Paralysis of nerve fibers in eyelids

Causes of one eye ptosis or unilateral ptosis?
Myaesthenia Gravis
Horners Syndrome
Brain tumor

Is Ptosis Genetic?
Hereditary congenital ptosis occurs. It can affect one eye or both eyes. Causes of congenital ptosis remain unknown.

What is myogenic ptosis?

The most common cause of congenital ptosis is myogenic due to the improper development of the levator muscle.

What is acquired ptosis?
Acquired blepharoptosis are secondary to aponeurotic causes, such as involutional changes, a disinsertion, or a dehiscence. We are not born with this type of ptosis.

What causes muscles of eye to become weak?
1. Myasthenia gravis, an autoimmune illness that stops nerves from telling the muscles what to do. Early ocular signs of myasthenia are double vision and drooping eyelids.
2. Graves' disease, a thyroid condition that affects eye muscles making them weak. It can cause vertical diplopia, where one image is on top of the other.

How does the eyelid works?

An eyelid is a thin fold of skin that covers and protects the human eye. Eyelid movement can be voluntary or involuntary. The blink reflex is an involuntary movement of eyelid to protect the eye from foreign bodies..The levator palpebrae superioris muscle retracts the eyelid to "open" the eye. Eyelids main function is to regularly spread the tears and other secretions on the eye surface to keep it moist, since the cornea must be continuously moist. They keep the eyes from drying out when asleep.

What are the degrees of Blepharoptosis?
Varying on the amount of ptosis, it is graded. Degrees vary from slight drooping to complete closure of the involved eyelid. In the most severe cases, the drooping can obstruct the visual field and cause positional head changes.

How is lazy eye or amblyopia related to ptosis?
In case of ptosis covering the pupil it acts as a mechanical barrier while seeing. In case of lazy eye or amblyopia one eye is not seeing and the vision in that eye reduces as compared to the better eye. Ptosis is one of the causes of amblyopia.

What is a pupil?
If we look at the eye from the front we see a small darkest area at the centre of the eye which is covered by the darker circular area of the eye(Iris). Pupil appears black because light rays entering the pupil are either absorbed by the tissues inside the eye directly, or absorbed after diffuse reflections within the eye that mostly miss exiting the narrow pupil. Iris of the eye allows light to enter inside the eye and strike the retina.

What is lazy eyelid?
In case of ptosis due to muscular origin it is seen that when the person wakes up the ptosis is less or even not present but after sometime and as the day progressess the ptosis increases. this type of phenomenon is at times addressed as Lazy eyelid ptosis.

What is Blepharophimosis?
Blepharophimosis syndrome is a collection of following symptoms : bilateral ptosis with reduced vertical and horizontal lid size. Both the vertical and horizontal palpebral fissures (eyelid opening) are shortened. The nasal bridge is flat and there is hypoplastic orbital rim.

What is aponeurotic ptosis?
Aponeurotic ptosis is also called Levator Dehiscence. The lid sits lower than normal but has a normal range of movement. This is the most common cause of a lowering of the upper eyelid. Usually occurs in middle aged to elderly patients. The underlying cause is the disinsertion of the Levator Palpabrae Superioris tendon from the tarsal plate. Crutch glasses are the best correction for aponeurotic ptosis.

What is 3rd nerve palsy and how is it related to ptosis?
The 3rd cranial nerve controls the muscles which move the eye inward, up and down, and they rotate the eye. The third cranial nerve also controls constriction of the pupil, the position of the upper eyelid, and the ability of the eye to focus. A complete third nerve palsy causes a completely closed eyelid that is severe or complete ptosis and deviation of the eye outward and downward.

Which nerve controls the eyelid movement?
Oculomotor nerve. The oculomotor nerve is the third cranial nerve. It enters the orbit via the superior orbital fissure and innervates muscles that enable most movements of the eye and that raise the eyelid.

What is the pathophysiology of Ptosis?

It a complex condition where the upper eyelid or eyelids fail to rise up. It may be due to the dysfunctioning of one or both upper eyelid elevator muscles. We have two types of elevator muscles namely: the Levator palpebrae superioris and the Muller muscle.
1. The levator palpebrae superioris is a skeletal muscle in the orbit. The levator palpebrae superioris muscle is about 40 mm long and originates on the lesser wing of the sphenoid bone, just above the optic foramen. It continues anteriorly. The LPS then broadens and decreases in thickness and thins out and becomes the levator aponeurosis. At the Whitnall ligament, it travels inferiorly as an aponeurosis. The aponeurosis is 14-20 mm long and inserts into the anterior aspect of the tarsal plate. It also sends attachments to the skin, forming the upper eyelid crease. The levator muscle and aponeurosis is the major elevator of the upper eyelid. LPS receives somatic motor input from the ipsilateral superior division of the oculomotor nerve (Cranial Nerve III). The LPS muscle elevates and retracts the upper eyelid. If LPS gets damaged or its innervations is damaged then the levator palpebrae cannot oppose the force of gravity, and the eyelid droops.

2. The Muller muscle, a sympathetically innervated smooth muscle, originates from the undersurface of the levator superioris. Approximately 12 mm long, it inserts superiorly on the tarsal border and elevates the upper eyelid by approximately 2 mm.

How to correct ptosis by exercise?
Some people tell to close the eyes tightly, squeezing it and then opening the eye briskly and repeating the process 15 to 20 times in a day.

Can you fix a droopy eyelid?
Yes by surgery the droppy eyelid can be fixed, though not a perfect surgery as the outcome cannot be predicted. Recurrence is always possible. Most of the cases recur. In case of involutional ptosis the levator tendon are tightened thereby lifting the eyelids. Basically the surgeon reduces the bagginess from lower eyelids and removes excess skin from the upper eyelids. The surgery is also called Eyelid surgery or Eye lift or Blepharoplasty. It is basically a cosmetic surgery which is done in a daycare unit. Patient is not kept admitted for this minor surgery.

Aging causes the lids to loose down or sag. In such conditions our bollywood actors and actresses undergo lid surgery to lift the lid and avoid the signs of aeging for the sake of their career. It is quite possible that our big celebrity stars Salman Khan, Sanjay Dutt, Saif Ali Khan, George Clooney, U2 Lead Singer Bono, Simi Garewal , Shama Sikander are a few who might have undergone Blepharoplasty to appear young. Chinese celebrity Angelababy, Kim Tae Hee Korean celebrity, Greta Van Susteren, Park Min, Rick Springfield, Renee Zellweger, Julie Chen, George Clooney, Daniel Craig, are also amongst the list who might have undergone lid correction surgery and the list goes on and on.

What is frontalis sling?
A modified simple technique of brow suspension by using 4-0 Supramid (nonabsorbable thread) suture and only one skin incision. In case of congenital ptosis, surgeons usually recommend a frontalis sling procedure so that proper, unobstructed vision can also develop. Children can also find it easier to adapt to raising their eyelids with the frontalis (eyebrow) muscle at a younger age than those who have a frontalis sling procedure in their teens or as adults.

How safe, secure and perfect is a ptosis surgery in case of congenital ptosis?
Ptosis surgery is a highly specialized procedure that can’t be performed by most cosmetic surgeons who perform eye surgeries. Since the procedure involves working with the delicate levator muscle which raises and lowers the upper eyelid, choosing the right surgeon is very important. But still in case of congenital ptosis there is a higher rate of failure compared to other types of ptosis.

What are the limitations in case of congenital ptosis surgery?
In most of the case of congenital ptosis the muscle is poorly formed and so suturing the muscle forward to give more lift doesnot work well. Unwanted scar and High look are the complications. So, in one line we can saw ptosis surgery for children are effective but not perfect cosmetically.

What are the risk factors involved in eyelid surgery?
There are various risks involved in an eyelid surgery namely-
1. Infection and bleeding
2. Dry, irritated eyes
3. Initial difficulty in closing your eyes
4. Scarring, affecting the cosmesis
5. Injury to eye muscles(Quite often)
6. Skin discoloration
7. Temporarily blurred vision
8. Very rare loss of eyesight
Other general complications which are not specific to blepharoplasty surgery but is common to all surgeries:
1. Reaction to anesthesia
2. Blood clots
3. Cardiac and pulmonary complications

Complications of blepharoplasty surgery?
1. Under correction of ptotic lid or lids
2. Over correction of ptotic lid or lids

What are the causes of undercorrection of lid ptosis?

1. Inadequate resection of the levator tendon
2. Excessive hemorrhage at the time of surgery
3. Scarring may lead to a less mobile lid
4. Misplaced sutures or slippage of sutures in the postoperative period may also cause this complication.
What should I do if my child is born with ptosis?
You have to keep in mind that ptosis in newborn can lead to amblyopia so immediate management is essential. In no case you can compromise with vision part. So try and see if the ptosis is mild and is not covering the visual pupillary area then you can leave it like that but if the pupillary area is getting blocked you have to immediately go for non surgical correction of ptosis to prevent amblyopia.
If the child has no significant ptosis affecting vision then you can wait till the age of 6 years, and decide when to go for an aesthetic correction. If the ptosis is affecting vision before the age of 6, then immediately go for non surgical correction of ptosis by crutch glasses to insure better visual development.

How to know that the ptosis is affecting the vision?
Its simple to know even at home. Cover the better non ptosis eye and ask the person to read things written at distance which you with normal eye can read and if he or she faces a problem then repeat the test with lifting the lid slightly and if it clears the vision then it means the ptosis is affecting the vision. You can also go for Visual field test . The findings will show functional blockage of superior visual field due to a ptotic lid and to cross verify you can repeat the test by lifting the lid. If you find that the ptosis is affecting the vision of the patient then immediately go for crutch glassess to avoid further complications, loss of vision, mechanical barrier in visual field and also to avoid onset of amblyopia..

Can ptosis cause astigmatism?
Yes ptosis can cause astigmatism. In case of severe ptosis the dropping eyelid presses the cornea creating a thereby changing the optics of the eye. Constant blurring of the visual image and finally, ptosis can hide misaligned or crossed eyes, which can also cause amblyopia.

Can eye patch improve ptosis?
Many a times some people say that patching the better eye and forcing the other eye to do double work at times create a pressure on the affected eye and the ptosis improves.

Is Ptosis very common?
Yes in now a days Ptosis has become very common. Ptosis is also found in many celebrities like :
Forest Steven Whitaker is an American actor, producer and director.
Louisa Gabrielle Bobb is a multi-platinum selling, BRIT Award winning English singer, who records under the name Gabrielle.
Sir Ahmed Salman Rushdie (Kashmiri) is a British Inidan novelist and essayist.

So, now we have come to the end of our study on Ptosis that finally after knowing so much about ptosis, its symptoms, signs, why or how does it occur, how to detect it at home, how it can be detected by tests, secondary problems arising due to ptosis, what are the possibilities of cure by alternative methods, improvement or increase of ptosis, risk factors, surgery and risks involved in surgery. So as a sufferer of ptosis my final query is - What I must do if I have ptosis?
It is important to treat ptosis as early as possible to avoid visual disturbance especially in children as their vision is in developing stage otherwise they may develop amblyopia or astigmatism. Specific treatment is usually directed towards underlying cause. Mild ptosis : If symptoms of ptosis are mild, treatment may not be necessary. In some mild cases, eye excercises may strengthen weak muscles and correct the problem.
Special glasses for ptosis : Special glasses may be used. These glasses have a crutch attached to hold up the eyelid.
Special contact lenses may be used for ptosis. These lenses help in correcting the drooping of eyelid.
Moderate to severe Ptosis : In moderate to severe cases surgery may be the only option to correct the eyelid. (Caution must be taken in selecting the surgeon and your parameters of eye and general health must be monitored.)
Ptosis crutch glasses
It’s the easiest, cheapest and safe procedure to choose. Crutch has a mechanical work which mechanically acts in between the eyelid and your eye. The lid has to overcome the crutch in order to fall down below the pupillary area. Crutch further holds the lid in place and supports it from falling down. As we know whatever be the cause the lid is weak enough to rise against the gravity and falls down, so the crutch gives a mechanical support to the lid to stay up against gravity without falling down due to gravitational force.

Advantages of crutch glasses:
1. Easy, cheap and readily available.
2. No surgery is required.
3. You can use it when you want and remove it when you don’t want to use it.
4. You don’t need to lift your lid mechanically using your fingers.
5. Crutch is not a separate entity which will be again cumbersome to use and wear. The best part of crutch for ptosis is that it is fitted in spectacles and when you will wear your spects the crutch will lift your eyelid and when you will open your spectacles automatically your eyelid will resume your previous droopy position.
Disadvantages of crutch glasses:
1. It is not a permanent solution. You have to wear and remove.
2. Some patients have dry eye problem if the lift the lid too high using the crutch. (Note: So it is always advisable to lift the lid just sufficient enough to clear the papillary area and not too high up to avaoid increased evaporation of tears from the eye which leads to dry eye).
3. Crutches are visible.
How can you get your crutch glasses?
It is very easy to get your crutch glasses delivered at your doorstep. You just need to mail your spectacle prescription power and one of your recent close up photograph and a measurement.
